Wouldn’t you know it! One of the hardest sea glass to find, yellow sea glass. Maybe some places it’s abundant or maybe someone on Maui is lucky enough to find a bunch but I hardly find it. When we first started my son founded a really nice yellow sea glass and I made a pendant for my oldest daughter with it. After that we never really found any jewelry grade yellow sea glass
I just ponder on that because I collect sea glass and make sea glass jewelry but one of my other interests is my personal spiritual growth. The path that I’m on is taking me to study about our Chakra’s, the colors associated with it and the Sofeggio Frequency associated with each chakra.
For my personal growth I’m working on my solar plexus which is associated with the color yellow and the 528Hz Solfeggio Frequency. So naturally, I’d like to wear more of the color yellow and since I mostly use the jewelry I make I’d like to wear sea glass jewelry that I make but no yellow. A comforting thought is that I can use amber, a light amber, which might be a good substitute.
But speaking of yellow, now, I just made me a peanut butter and lilikoi butter sandwich. Lilikoi (passion fruit) butter is yellow. That didn’t dawn on me at the time until I started to look up the recipe which I found one at LavaLily and have every intention of making it as soon as I get my hands on some lilikoi’s
After I found this recipe I checked my facebook and saw that Whole Foods Market Kahului got in a shipment of white pineapples and CLICK! I was like, hmmm, I wonder if there’s such a thing as pineapple butter LOL! Google and yes! there is and THAT’S when I began to think, lots of yellow going on here. Talk about Law of Attraction!
For those of you who are interested here’s the link for the pineapple butter recipewhich I also intend to make
While we don’t have any yellow sea glass jewelry we do have other beautiful color sea glass which we find ourselves here on Maui and which we transform into, with Aloha, exotic and elegant jewelry ~ Natural Maui Ohana Etsy Store
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